

How to Get Organized at Your Office Before Taking A Vacation

Everyone needs time off every once in a while, to get away from the office and recharge. Before packing up your luggage there are a couple of things that you’ll need to get in order at the office first.

1. Inform The People You Work With That You Are Going On Vacation

One thing that will most definitely not be taken well by upper management is if someone just goes away without notifying anyone. People will think that you’ve just abandoned your job! Now, as professionals, this may almost never happen, but it is a good thing to be reminded that of this step nevertheless.

As soon as your vacation dates are approved, proactively inform the colleagues you regularly work with about your time-off and whom they should contact instead if they need assistance.

Make sure that your coworkers and clients are aware of the following:

  • The day you’ll be back
  • Name of the person(s) to contact instead
  • Which person(s) to contact for what
  • hone, email and/or address of your replacement persons

2. Make An Automatic Email Reply

Many offices communicate with their clients via email. Having an automatic email not only reminds people of your absence, but it helps to keep your inbox organized while you are gone. Do yourself a favor and let your auto-reply do the work for you. After all, work shouldn’t be done on vacation. That defeats the entire point! Just don’t forget to add your return date on your signature.

3. Create a Pre-Vacation To-Do List

Prioritizing your work before going away is a paramount. Don’t miss deadlines or a fall behind on a monster of a project because it was put on the backburner. Make a list of everything that needs to be done, and then give each task a number to mark its importance. Make sure you get the top 3-5 items on that list completed before your departure.

4. Create a Post-Vacation To-Do List

The post –vacation to-do list can begin with the next items to be completed from the pre-vacation list. However, life happens, so be sure to check your emails and voicemails as soon as possible upon your return so that you can reprioritize if something important has come up while you’ve been away.

5. Organize Your Desk

Before you leave for vacation, chances are that you’re cleaning the house and making everything tidy so you come home to a stress-free space. It should be the same in the office. Make your first day back at work a positive one by de-cluttering your desk, so it is inviting and work can begin again in the best way.


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